Date: 07/12/2019 10:00 am
Event Location: Salmiya, Kuwait, American University of Kuwait

Grad Cohort Kuwait Workshops


In Dec,2019, ArabWIC Kuwait participated as a partner in the Grad Cohort workshops. The goal was to empower women in STEM grad level students and the sponsor was Munjiza by KIPCO, Burgan Bank and AUK and in partnership with GDG&WTM Kuwait, ArabWIC Kuwait, ISC2 and WIDS Kuwait.

The event gathered 30 senior grad and undergraduate female students in computing, engineering and scientific-related studies and gave them the chance to learn in different creative ways how to find a research topic they are passionate about,  how to successfully prepare for a job-interview and how to improve their CVs during a one-on-one c.v. coaching workshop.

The workshop was led by a group of female volunteers including professors, engineers, and students invited on board to empower women across Kuwait. Dr. Zainab AlMeraj was the main organizer of the event and she participated as well in all the sessions. This is also the event where Zahra Abu Alloul joined ArabWIC and is preparing to contribute to ArabWIC Kuwait as President 2019-2020.